Category: journal
wordpress, who dis?
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two flats later… it’s about getting back on the wagon, right? i’m getting good at that bit at least. it’s been around 5 years since i started this blog. i…
more than a year
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my new home i couldn’t do 12 things in a year? i couldn’t update a website 12 times? i didn’t have 12 things to say? yes. i know the corona…
money march
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my desk this is weird one. i’ve had the name planned out for a while. money march. mainly because amongst my friends out here, i have been quite vocal about…
failed february
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my desk okay. so i failed. i said i was going to do a thing. and i didn’t. the original plan was film it februrary. i was going to produce…
just do it january
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my kotatsu we started this year off with an easy one. just do it january. the idea for this one was very simple. just procrastinate a little less. every time…
the 2020 post
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my futon in nagano i love new years. i love the naive sense of opportunity i feel. it’s as though anything is possible if you give me just one more…
my end of year post
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under a kotatsu at a hostel in nagano whatever i write in this post. is what the truth is going to be. in many ways. it doesn’t matter what actually…
a night on bui vien walking street, vietnam
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bui vien walking street, vietnam we’re sat on walking street. we’re here by accident. we know this place exists. we’ve been here before. but we can’t say we were trying…
“actions speak louder than words”
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a local train in niigata i hate that phrase. it’s a phrase i associate with feeling shut down. with feeling invalidated. with feeling useless. because i’d dream up things. ideals.…
external intention
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seoul, korea i didn’t think i lacked self confidence. and you know what. i don’t lack self confidence. but. over this last year. i’ve had to reevaluate what i mean…